Welcome to our wildflower farm

sharing the beauty of native plants for pollinators, your garden & vase

grown wild & natural with Earth-first practices

Our plants are:

  • field grown & plastic-free

  • grown without peat moss or chemicals like herbicides & pesticides

  • native to New York

Happening now…

Wool Pots & Spring Kickoff Pre-Sale

100% wool for plastic & peat-free growing!

  • Stronger roots & healthier plants

  • Feeds your plants & soil

  • Use less water

  • Deters Slugs & Snails

Spring Native Plant Sale

March 1 thru April 13

Pre-orders get special Farm Pickup Day & April shipping (within New York State)

about our farm

We are a native flower farm in beautiful Mexico,NY

Lazy Dirt Wildflower Farm is a small wildflower farm & NYS licensed nursery (#646726)

We are ‘scratch-made’ in that we are starting with what we have … an old farm, potting bench, elbow grease, and moxie

We are small but mighty!

Growing organically & sustainably

  • without herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers

  • responsibly collecting seeds from native plants within 200 miles of our farm

  • Sourcing seeds & roots of cultivated plants like herbs, zinnias and iris from our farm’s harvests or small independent farms that grow non-gmo & organic seeds

Taking a Stand Against Plastics

Our goal is simple~ to be a plastic-free nursery & flower farm by December 2025!

Over 3 billion plastic nursery containers are produced for the horticultural industry ever year. The majority are from virgin plastics, not recyclable and will never decompose.

Instead they end up in landfills, roadsides, waterways, the oceans and sitting piled high in your shed.

We believe we can all do better…

for our farm, gardens, wildlife & the Earth

Instead of plastics & peat, you’ll find

  • Plants ‘gift wrapped’ in burlap & paper tied with cotton ribbons. A cosy way to travel home to your garden!

  • Sowing & growing plants without any plastics or peat

  • You’ll see wood trays & healthy field grown perennials

  • and for your seed sowing natural WOOL POTS!

Subscribe to the Lazy Dirt Gang for more plastic-free gardening ideas coming soon!

We’re on Youtube!

Visit our new Youtube channel where I’m sharing:

  • habitat gardening tips & tricks

  • how we grow for YOUR garden

  • and more fun with native flowers than you can shake a coneflower at!

Resources We Support