Taking Leaps in ‘24
Exciting things are happening at the farm in ‘24! From new plants to flower collectives, this is the year we take some BIG leaps friends!
Here’s what happening!
Your support & encouragement this past year has inspired me to keep growing friend.
Together we are small but MIGHTY growing for pollinators!
I’ve been working on a some SECRET PROJECTS for this little native flower farm.
It’s been kinda fun quietly working on them since last Summer. But darn has it been HARD for me to keep them a secret!
Now you know me…
quiet & secrets are NOT in my ‘job description’~ I’d make a terrible 007 spy for sure!
After lots of planning and PLANTING…
I can FINALLY spill the beans!
New plants for ‘24
‘Think Spring’ Plant Sale in February!
Flower Collective of Central New York
new plant friends
Last year I decided to grow more native plants for the farm’s ‘problem areas’ where there is more water or shade.
I just finished planning out how many of each plant to put in these shady areas. Super excited to get some colorful blooms in there let me tell ya!
~ I can’t wait to play in the garden again can you?!?
Anyway …this Spring I’m sharing the extras with you of course.
New plants like Northern Blue Flag Iris, Winterberry, Tall Joe Pye Weed, & colorful Hibiscus moscheutos (Swamp Rose Mallow)
These and more will be on the benches this Spring!
NOT many but enough to share with you for your pollinator-friendly garden!

Being a small nursery there’s limited quantities of each plant.
Remember last Spring with the Wild Rose Gardens?
I had 15 native roses (Rosa carolina) from propagating & growing out.
Seven stayed here on the farm for motherplants & cut flowers.
The other 8 became the Wild Rose Gardens that sold out before March!
I’d love to offer larger quantities ie hundreds of a single variety.
The reality is smaller quantities have their perks like saving water and each plant gets LOTS of my attention!
It’s one reason I offer pre-sales!
Which brings us to the next bit of exciting news ….
Time for our 2nd annual ‘Think Spring’ Plant Sale!
Starting February 1 to March 21, pre-order your plants, collections & bouquets to get your 2024 garden plans in motion!
Why pre-order?
Friend, it’s a reservation and invitation in one!
A pre-order guarantees you will get that plant variety. I take them OUT of the available inventory but you still will pick out your plants.
You pick out your plants before we open for the season. Talk about 1st dibs!
I throw a little Spring party just for those who pre-ordered.
Last year everyone had so much fun.
So this Spring, the party will be the day BEFORE the farm opens for the season. This way you get more time to chat about gardening with friends old & new!
(PARTY HINT: live music is on the menu!)
now for the big news of 2024 …
We are now proud members of The Flower Collective of Central New York!
The collective brings together 13 local flower farmers to provide sustainably grown wholesale flowers to florists across Central New York!
What does this fabulous news hold in store for you and our farm?
I’ll be growing more native flowers not just for the collective but also for YOUR vase!
Last year I offered Cottage Bouquets at local markets and for special orders. I also focused on what native flowers made good cut flowers, planting the cutting gardens and designing arrangements.
Now in 2024, this part of the farm is READY TO LEAP FORWARD!
Now in 2024, this part of the farm is READY TO LEAP FORWARD!
On the list are native Monardas, Mints, Hydrangea, those beloved native Sunflowers and oh my friend there are so many more!
Of course a few pollinator’s favorite ‘rebels’ like iris, zinnias, cosmos & dill for bouquets!
Friend, wait until you see what 200 plants of Monarda fistulosa look like growing in our cut flower meadow!
More deets on Cottage Bouquet subscriptions and more Leap Year news will be coming soon.
Until next time~ keep smilin’ & growing for pollinators!
~ Melanie