Spring Native Plant Sale
Our Spring Native Plant Sale will be here before you know it!
Here’s ALL the deets you need to know!
Friends, our Spring Native Plant Sale in May isn’t just another plant sale.
It’s a very special weekend here at Lazy Dirt Flower Farm. Not only is it opening weekend but it’s also our 1st BIRTHDAY!
Saturday & Sunday May 27th & 28th from 10:30am to 2:00pm here at our native flower farm in Mexico, NY
We’re planning a wonderful weekend with fabulous plants, raffles, treats and more!
AND we’re hosting EARLY BIRD HAPPY HOUR for those who pre-order their plants!
Raffles! Plants! Treats! Oh My!
Yes- friend you read that right…
Proceeds from the raffle tickets will be donated to May’s GIVE10 awardee, Camp Hollis so more children can attend this year’s Summer Camp.
RAFFLES for this weekend
A fabulous MAYDAY BASKET from our farm. It’s a great BIG basket of gardening goodies & native plants!
Plus a table full of fun raffle items donated from individuals and local businesses. To donate please contact us HERE
What’s a party without treats?!? We’re sharing refreshments all weekend ~ wait till you try the Lavender Shortbread!
Of course birthday cakes on both days!
And friends,
We’re sampling birthday cakes ~ it’s a tough job but someone has to do it!
Do YOU know a great bakery that makes from-scratch cakes in Oswego or Jefferson Counties? TELL US HERE

Our hoop house & tables will be FILLED to bursting with plants!
Native plants for sun & shade, dry & moist soils— we are slowing expanding our line up this season!
Herbs and lots of ‘em!
Last year we shared Basil, Lavender, Sage, Lemon Mint and Oregano on opening weekend just because.
Well- they all found homes in just 2 days!
and YOU ASKED FOR MORE so we grew more
You asked for MORE HERBS this year!
We’ll be adding the HERBS to the shop soon so you can add them to your pre-order.(Yes we can combine orders placed at different times!)
Oh you are NOT in the Lazy Dirt Flower Gang? Well… Subscribe HERE for all the sneak peeks, deals and latest farm news!
Container Gardens We LOVE container gardens bursting with native plants to decorate our smaller spaces.
Unlike annual baskets, these last for YEARS! In September you just take the native plants out of the pots and put them into your garden for YEARS of enjoyment!
What’s a ‘rebel’ ?
Why it’s a plant that is NOT a native species and NOT on the invasive species list BUT has been proven to benefit pollinators.
Think heirloom Sunflowers, Zinnias, Feverfew and Nigella here (No not cosmos— those are on the ‘naughty list’ )
Look if Dr. Doug Tallamy says it’s ok to mix it up a little like 75% natives in our gardens, I think we’re ok to enjoy a diverse garden! Just let Nature’s cycle flow: ie leave the leaves alone, don’t pesticides, herbicides, leaf blowers, invasive species, and reduce your lawns to limit mowing. PHEW— Enjoy the flowers, shrubs and trees and all the beautiful pollinators & other wildlife that need them so.
A short mention…
In case it’s your first time visiting our farm we ask you to please leave your dogs at home for their safety & that of other visitors.
KIDS are always welcome here…
We are a FAMILY FRIENDLY nursery & flower farm.
Everyone loves flowers— and our children need to be able to explore the world of plants in fun ways!
Need a shady spot to sit with your kids for a snack or a bit of quiet time before getting back in the car?
Want to walk thru our pollinator garden with your child? Kids got bug questions for us?
NO PROBLEM! We got ya!
Hey~ being a kid AND being a parent is hard work~ we’ve been there!
So this Summer we’ll be adding some fun things for kids to enjoy too. Check out our PINTEREST BOARD ‘LITTLE GREEN THUMBS’
Just wanted you to know… your family is always welcome here….
EVERYONE who pre-orders gets an invitation to the EARLY BIRD HAPPY HOUR. Only those who pre-order plants will get access to this special hour.
How it works…
When you pre-order your plants either by email or on our website you will be emailed a special invitation to come pick out your plants on May 26th BEFORE WE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC~ yep first dibs!
On May 26th between 9am & 10:29 is EARLY BIRD PLANT HAPPY HOUR!
Here’s how it goes….
When you arrive
between 9:00 and 10:00 your first stop is the CHECK IN TABLE
There you’ll receive a smile, a box & copy of your order invoice. (Plus directions to the coffee & refreshments!)
Once you are checked in…
we set you loose amongst the plant tables to select the plants listed on your invoice!
YES you can grab extra plants~ After all those Wine Cups & Coral Bells will be hard to resist!
What is a plant creche?
When you are all done selecting your lovely plants just bring your plants to our NEW Plant Creche
Besides being another excuse for Melanie to buy another pretty beach umbrella…
A plant creche is a special spot to hold your plants while you relax with a cuppa & chat with friends old & new!
You’ll see markers & paper to ‘tag’ your plants too.
Once there you can either check out for the day
OR we can ‘hold’ your plants while you enjoy refreshments, enter the raffles, and have gardening chats with friends.
We are introducing the Plant Creche this year to
Help you see all your new plants in one place
Save your plants from waiting for you in a HOT car this summer
Hold your plants for you. This way you can enjoy a cuppa or a chat with other gardeners during your visits to the farm
*Remember to bring a carrier or box- we’ll have some but are trying to reduce plastic where we can!
How’s that for EASY & FUN?
We are SUPER excited to share this special weekend with you.
Wait till you see the hard work we’ve been doing to grow this small but MIGHTY native flower farm for you & the pollinators!
If you have questions about placing a pre-order or this event please contact us HERE
Until then we’ll be patiently waiting to see your smile in May!
~ the Cutillo Family at Lazy Dirt Flower Farm
Connect with us on the ‘Gram!
We’re LIVE every Saturday at NOON!