Butterfly's Bouquet Garden


If a butterfly could make a flower bouquet surely these flowers would be there!

Butterfly’s Bouquet Garden is a pollinator garden for those with limited space but who care BIG about protecting pollinators!

It’s perfect in an array of pots on your patio, around the mailbox or right in that small sunny corner by your door. Fills up to 12 sq ft!

Butterfly’s Bouquet Garden is a collection of 13 native plants that provide food & shelter for butterflies and other pollinators.

And it comes with PERKS!

  • ‘What’s your Super Power’ Pollinator Garden Sign with post

  • Invitation to our Spring Fling Party- 1st dibs to pick out your plants BEFORE we open for the season!

  • Bonus ‘Rebel’ 6 pack of Zinnias, Dill, & Fennel (2 each)

and of course beautiful NATIVE PLANTS! (See plant list below)

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If a butterfly could make a flower bouquet surely these flowers would be there!

Butterfly’s Bouquet Garden is a pollinator garden for those with limited space but who care BIG about protecting pollinators!

It’s perfect in an array of pots on your patio, around the mailbox or right in that small sunny corner by your door. Fills up to 12 sq ft!

Butterfly’s Bouquet Garden is a collection of 13 native plants that provide food & shelter for butterflies and other pollinators.

And it comes with PERKS!

  • ‘What’s your Super Power’ Pollinator Garden Sign with post

  • Invitation to our Spring Fling Party- 1st dibs to pick out your plants BEFORE we open for the season!

  • Bonus ‘Rebel’ 6 pack of Zinnias, Dill, & Fennel (2 each)

and of course beautiful NATIVE PLANTS! (See plant list below)

If a butterfly could make a flower bouquet surely these flowers would be there!

Butterfly’s Bouquet Garden is a pollinator garden for those with limited space but who care BIG about protecting pollinators!

It’s perfect in an array of pots on your patio, around the mailbox or right in that small sunny corner by your door. Fills up to 12 sq ft!

Butterfly’s Bouquet Garden is a collection of 13 native plants that provide food & shelter for butterflies and other pollinators.

And it comes with PERKS!

  • ‘What’s your Super Power’ Pollinator Garden Sign with post

  • Invitation to our Spring Fling Party- 1st dibs to pick out your plants BEFORE we open for the season!

  • Bonus ‘Rebel’ 6 pack of Zinnias, Dill, & Fennel (2 each)

and of course beautiful NATIVE PLANTS! (See plant list below)

Your Butterfly’s Bouquet Garden features native species plants grown by Lazy Native Dirt Flower Farm. All plants are perennials and/or self-sowing selected for their ability to attract & support pollinators with food AND shelter for years to come.

Location: Plant in full to partial shade with dry to medium soil conditions. Fits up to a 12’ square foot space.

Price includes 20% discount & NYS applicable taxes.


**We reserve the right to adjust plant lists as needed in case of adjusting to Mother Nature’s whimsical temper!

In the event of changes we’ll either swap out another native plant from our stock or let you pick out the substitute at pickup. You will be notified of any changes before picking up your order

Butterfly Bouquet Garden includes 13 quart size (1-2 year old) native plants grown for Central New York/Eastern Lake Ontario.

(1) Echinachea purpurpea (Purple Coneflower) 

(1) Zizia aurea (Golden Alexanders) 

(3) Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Milkweed) 

(2) Achillea millefolium (Common Yarrow) 

(1) Agastache foeniculum (Anise Hyssop) 

(2) Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot) 

(2) Aster novi-belgii (New York Asters) 

(1) Rudbeckia Triloba (Brown-Eyed Susan) 

BONUS 6 ‘rebel’ pack mix of Zinnia, Dill & Fennel (2 each)

SPRING PICK-UP: Late April/Early May, 2024 at our farm. *If the Spring is warm & plants are ready we’ll contact you for EARLY PICK UP in early April.


Plants for these gardens are quart pots, 1-2 years old. Depending on the native plant it may or may not bloom this season (2023).

Hey I get it… It’s hard to be patient when you want to see pollinator action on your native plants like NOW!

But friends, plants need time to get roots set for surviving the heat of Summer and Winter’s cold. It’s ok to not have tons of blooms in the first year of planting. Pollinators need young native plants for shelter & food even before they bloom pretty flowers. PLUS younger plants tend to be more determined to get going than an older plant say in a 2-3 gallon pot.

THIS IS GOOD for YOU because quart-sized plants save you big money!

BUT look if you want larger plants for blooms NOW with older gallon sized plants just send me a note HERE

Eastern Red Columbine (Aquilegia Canadensis)
from $6.00
Obedient Plant ( Physostegia virginiana )
from $9.00
Brown-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia triloba)
from $8.00
Oswego Tea (Monarda didyma)
from $6.00
White Meadowsweet (Spiraea alba)
from $15.00