Appalachian Sedge (Carex appalachica)

from $5.00

Appalachian Sedge is a vital 4 season ‘filler’ in the habitat garden. Fine leaves form beautiful waves of green spanning up to 18” thus providing shelter for wildlife.

Planted in drifts Appalachian Sedge creates a living mulch protecting the soil in every season. Seeds feed birds too like Juncos and Sparrows!


  • Happiest in part sun to shade growing up to 8-10” tall

  • Most well draining soils except wet locations

  • Deer & rabbit resistant

  • Host plant for many caterpillars including Skipper and Satyr

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Appalachian Sedge is a vital 4 season ‘filler’ in the habitat garden. Fine leaves form beautiful waves of green spanning up to 18” thus providing shelter for wildlife.

Planted in drifts Appalachian Sedge creates a living mulch protecting the soil in every season. Seeds feed birds too like Juncos and Sparrows!


  • Happiest in part sun to shade growing up to 8-10” tall

  • Most well draining soils except wet locations

  • Deer & rabbit resistant

  • Host plant for many caterpillars including Skipper and Satyr

Appalachian Sedge is a vital 4 season ‘filler’ in the habitat garden. Fine leaves form beautiful waves of green spanning up to 18” thus providing shelter for wildlife.

Planted in drifts Appalachian Sedge creates a living mulch protecting the soil in every season. Seeds feed birds too like Juncos and Sparrows!


  • Happiest in part sun to shade growing up to 8-10” tall

  • Most well draining soils except wet locations

  • Deer & rabbit resistant

  • Host plant for many caterpillars including Skipper and Satyr

Appalachian Sedge is a popular choice for ‘no mow lawns’ with beautiful texture and movement. Stunning interplanted with Lobelia, Aquilegia, and Mertensia virginica (Virginia Bluebells!)

Image coming as soon as the 6’ of snow melts! Until then I recommend WILDFLOWER.ORG as always for images & more information

Northern Dropseed (Sporobulous heterolepis)
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Common Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum)
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Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)
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Obedient Plant ( Physostegia virginiana )
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Nodding Onion ( Allium cernuum)
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